Welcome to the latest newsletter of RAW (Real Arts Workshops). We remember our friend Leigh 'Finlee' Saunders (see earlier Blog about that) - continuing his creative legacy by using his art materials in our projects with various groups. If you view the attached PDF version of the newsletter in Adobe Reader, you will be able to click relevant web links - and our own website has many resources and information too. The preview image is below. Please do get in touch with any queries / feedback on any of the articles or if you think we can work with your organisation on some uplifting and engaging creative projects. Thank you and stay safe, Alex, Gary and the team.
RAW Goes National!
Welcome to the latest newsletter of RAW (Real Arts Workshops).
This is our ‘Superhero’ issue as we seem to have done lots of workshops on that theme lately and, of course, most of our colleagues are Superheroes too! We’ve been working with some other arts practitioners recently, which we love: collaboration is one of our key values along with inclusion. We’re pleased to see recognition for one of our volunteers too. If you view the above PDF version of the newsletter in Adobe Reader, you will be able to click relevant web links. Please do get in touch with any queries / feedback on any of the articles or if you think we can work with your organisation on some uplifting and engaging creative projects. Thank you and stay safe, Alex, Gary and the team.
Our annual review video is now on YouTube! Please spend a few minutes out of your day to see all the ways in which RAW has grown in 2019. We have delivered AT LEAST 118 separate workshop sessions, reached 439 people directly with our work and collaborated with at least 19 different agencies Here are a few standout moments, though these get added to daily! Here are a few more images from what has been a 'full on' year, delivering high quality bespoke art sessions to all sorts of community groups:
We are currently delivering this exciting and immersive art project for Support Plus, across 2 of their centres in Wolverhampton. It will involve joining together pieces of artwork physically and people and communities metaphorically. Support Plus are a day service for adults with a profound and multiple learning disabilities who require high support needs we also support people with physical disabilities to maintain and develop their quality of life. They provide a wide range of day opportunities whilst supporting people to access their local and wider community and The Big Link Up Art Project is one of those opportunities. What is vital to us was that despite of some very profound needs the adults are engaged in decision making and actively making their own marks. We are constantly evolving the project to suit the needs of our clients, investigating various strategies to enable engagement (and enjoyment, if it’s not fun what’s the point?) As one of our team is profoundly Deaf we are integrating sign language lessons into the sessions. This has benefits in terms of another new skill learnt, active engagement and breaking down communication barriers. It is early days with the project but already both centres have their own DREAM TREE’s – which act as the project aims and objectives. We’ve found out about each individual – what colours they like, what they like to eat, where they like to go and who is important to them. Each has indicated to us what size canvas they will be painting on, what colour the background should be and an idea of what they will be painting or making (some are going to be 3D or textural pieces rather than 2D paintings). We are exploring apps which make digital art-making accessible to people with profound disabilities. The examples here are making a vocal sound that produces a unique soundwave and touch screen pattern making apps that respond to an individual’s touch. This project is a perfect example of how RAW approaches its work. We are customer centred, so although we go in with an overarching aim, it is the participants who steer the project. We are versatile and flexible enough to be able to adjust our delivery to ensure the best possible outcomes.
We are really excited to see how the project progresses and will post again in September when we are back onto it. We had a great time at #SciFest2018 on 6th and 7th July 2018. Day One was working with local primary schools and Day Two was open to the public for their Family Day. We made loads of great new connections, our neighbours were wonderful and we even got time to have a little look around at other stallholders. This included making rocket cars with the RAF Museum, looking at the sun through a telescope and making Spirograph type images on a gyroscope. If you weren't able to get to this year's event, please try and make it next year. Here's a few of our favourite snaps... RAW has a stand at Sci Fest 2018!
We'll be in the Ambika Paul corridor at Wolverhampton University making a 'Curiosi-Tree'. Come and say hello and see the work we are doing with young people - combining the arts with other curriculum subjects: English, Maths, Technology, Science. Primary school day is 9.30-3, Fri 6th July. Family day is 10-4, Sat 7th July. For more information and to register visit: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/…/faculty-of-science-and-eng…/scifest/ #scifest2018 |
AuthorReal Arts Workshops is an independent arts company based in the Black Country, providing bespoke workshops for various organisations and groups. Archives
August 2024